Theodore and the Talking Mushroom

 Theodore the mouse is upset when he can't impress his friends with any skills. One day he comes upon a blue talking mushroom, and pretends the mushroom has a special message only he can understand. Everything is great, until his friends find out his secret.

Another one of Leo Lionni's creative and quirky animal books, this one is a little odder then his others, (talking mushrooms?) but still fun to read and listen to. Who can argue with a picture book that includes words like charlatan? Containing a very clear message not to trick your friends, and also that it's better to just be yourself, this book doesn't really have a happily-ever-after ending for the deceitful mouse. It's not an unjust ending, however, and like most fairy tales, children seem to delight in justice being served. The trademark cut-paper illustrations are unique and simple, but accompany the story perfectly.

Overall rating: :star :star :star 

Suggested ages: 3-8

Literary quality~ :star :star :star

Vocabulary~ :star :star :star :star 

Illustrations~ :star :star :star 

Read-Aloud Appeal~ :star :star :star :star

Overall Appeal~ :star :star :star 

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