Along Came a Dog

This is one of those great books that I had never heard of until I bought it for our second year of Ambleside Online. Along Came a Dog is the story of a little hen and a big black dog and the most unlikely of friendships. Unlike many animal stories, this book does not attempt to personify the creatures. This is probably my favorite aspect of this book. Having spent a lot of time observing the behaviors of both dogs and chickens, I have to say that the descriptions of these animals are accurate. However, instead of reading about the animals as an observer, this book places you inside their minds and interactions with each other.

The story starts with a lone red hen in a flock of white chickens. She is treated cruelly by the rest of the flock for her differences, and the farmer decides he will have to kill her to keep the peace. And then... along came a dog. The dog is an intriguing character of his own, a combination of loyalty and fear, confidence and humility. He becomes the silent guardian of the chicken, but will they be able to find a way to survive in the harsh world that has rejected them both?

While I think this is an excellent book on many levels- storyline, descriptions, literary quality, and accuracy- it may not be for every child. The nuances of the story may be hard for some young elementary age children to understand. Also, the actions of the other chickens toward the different little hen are brutal. In my opinion, this story is a creative and delightful exposure to the prejudices which children will encounter in the world. In the end, the chicken and the dog both find a very happy ending waiting for them.

Overall rating: :star :star :star :star 

Suggested ages: 8-Adult

Literary quality~ :star :star :star :star :star

Vocabulary~ :star :star :star :star :star

Illustrations~ :star :star :star

Read-Aloud Appeal~ :star :star :star 

Overall Appeal~ :star :star :star :star

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